Rules are simple: list 15 facts about oneself and then goose five other bloggers to do the same. As I'm lazy, if you're reading this and have a blog, consider yourself goose'd. If you're reading this and don't have a blog you are duck'd. Sorry.
Due to being a
- I have been chased by a police helicopter as a teenager.
- People are generally much better at remembering my own escapades than I am. Apparently there's quite a bit.
- I consider anyone I haven't met to be fictional. Recently, due to being forced to watch some of their movies, Japan has also made this list. Seriously. There's no way that's a real place. I can not be convinced otherwise.
- I secretly would do terrible, terrible, wonderful things to Carmen Sandiego.
- Number 4's not really a secret.
- I recently caught myself signing a government document "Batman" without thinking. Nobody even noticed this error at first since I've used it as a pseudonym so often.
- I'm Batman.
- I have a list of men I would kidnap, without hesitation, given the chance. It includes Adam West, Morgan Freeman, William Shatner, John Lithgow, and a few more. The plan is to lock them together in a room and film what I can only assume will be entertainment gold! (Once the chloroform wears off.)
- I have no shame about knowing the Macarena.
- My inner child is a fat kid I keep locked in a cage. She bitterly hates me in no uncertain terms; repeatedly trying to break out and grab the reins. We are locked in an eternal battle of "Screw you".